News items about Community Engagement at SVSU, which can include service learning, internships, community-based research, community service, global collaboration and distinctive programs. For a complete list of News, please go to the Newsroom. To submit an item, please contact JJ Boehm, director of media and community relations, at ext. 4055
Saginaw Valley State University and Saginaw Public Schools are collaborating to increase the number of certified teachers in local classrooms, thanks to a $2 million grant from the State of Michigan.
The 17th cohort of pre-kindergarten through grade 12 education leaders committed to professional growth will join the Saginaw Valley State University Gerstacker Fellowship program in 2023-24.
Detroit photographer and architectural historian Jeff Morrison has been awarded Saginaw Valley State University’s 2023-2024 Stuart D. and Vernice M. Gross Award for Literature for his book “Guardians of Michigan: Architectural Sculpture of the Pleasant Peninsulas.”
Saginaw Valley State University will host a fall open house on Saturday, Oct. 28 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
For all who despair that isolation is required for creativity and innovation, Eric Weiner has good news. The award-winning journalist and best-selling author will debunk the myth of the lone genius during his lecture, “Innovation: They What, Where and When” on Tuesday, October 24 at Saginaw Valley State University.
A respected cultural and media historian will step into a symbol of Saginaw’s past as she explores the relationship between writing and the future of culture in a talk at the childhood home of acclaimed Saginaw poet Theodore Roethke.
Saginaw Valley State University wants to take you out to the ball game . . . and a movie. As a farewell to summer, the university invites the community to a night of entertainment at Dow Diamond on Thursday, September 28. Featuring an exciting exhibition ball game and a movie, the event is free and open to the public.
Saginaw Valley State University students are hooked on doing good for others, so they’re continuing a 20-year fundraising contest without their traditional competitor.
For the 10th year, runners will loop through and around the campus of Saginaw Valley State University in a race to honor first responder and military heroes. The 9/11 Heroes Run will be held on Sunday, Sept. 10 to benefit the Travis Manion Foundation and the Great Lakes Bay Veteran Coalition.
As part of its longstanding Dr. Raana Akbar Memorial Lecture Series, Saginaw Valley State University will host speaker Najeeba Syeed, J.D., on Thursday, Sept. 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Rhea Miller Recital Hall. The lecture is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served following the lecture.
Saginaw Valley State University's University Art Gallery is showcasing two artists whose works explore the African diaspora. An opening reception will be held Thursday, September 7, and the exhibit will remain on display through Saturday, September 16.
In a tribute to the dedication, compassion and expertise of nurses, Saginaw Valley State University’s Department of Nursing hosted the Carleen K. Moore Nursing Excellence Awards at SVSU.
Thanks to his efforts to encourage fellow students to participate in the democratic process, Saginaw Valley State University student Nikolas Baker has been recognized by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN) as part of the 2023 ALL IN Student Voting Honor Roll.
Described as musical satire, “Urinetown” tells the story of a Gotham-like city that suffers a water shortage, leading to a government-enforced ban on private toilets.
For the fifth year, SVSU will welcome more than 5,000 high school students piloting robots in the FIRST in Michigan state championship.