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Archived Colloquia

Winter 2020

Feb 11





Space Weather Impacts on Human Exploration of Mars (104KB)

Dr. Mark Moldwin, University of Michigan

Host:  Dr. Khandaker "Abir" Rahman

Feb 18





Teaching Math: The Math Corps Approach (101KB)

Professor Leonard Boehm and Dr. Darryl Gardner, Wayne State University

Host:  Dr. Amy Hlavacek



All remaining presentations are cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Mar 17





Gender matters: Patterns of inequity in physics (104KB)

Dr. Adrienne Traxler, Department of Physics, Wright State University

Host:  Dr. Chris Nakamura

Mar 24






The Weak Derivative and Modern Differential Equation Theory

Dylan Mcknight, Department of Mathematics, University of Nebraska

Host:  Dr. Amy Hlavacek

Mar 31




Dr. Monayem Mazumder, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Apr 7




Dr. Tami Sivy, Department of Chemistry

Apr 14




Improving First Exam Passing Performance in a Sophomore-Level Engineering Course

Dr. John Herman, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Apr 21



Boolean Rings: a Good Source of Examples and Counterexamples

Dr. Olivier Heubo-Kwagna, Department of Mathematical Sciences



Fall 2019

Sep. 17




Pre-Health at SVSU: Questions, Answers, and Insights (99KB)

Heidi Lang, M.A., L.P.C., SVSU’s Pre-Health Professions Advisor

Oct. 1




Gas Pumping and Heat Transfer with Uneven Applied Voltages (127KB)

Dr.  A K M Monayem H. Mazumder, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Oct. 8






How to Prepare for an Actuarial Career: Math, Communication & Failure (102KB)

Juan Sancen, Capital Modeling Actuarial Analyst, SVSU alum

Host:  Prof. Curtis Grosse

Oct. 15






Guiding Students to Think as...: The Role of Active Learning in STEM (126KB)

Dr. David Harvey, DePauw University

Host:  Dr. Kyle Cissell

Oct. 29




Not All Kernels Are Created Equal (101KB)

Dr. Patrick Pan, Department of Mathematical Sciences

Nov. 5






A Topological Approach to Data Analysis: Topologically Inspired Mappings (104KB)

Dr. Josh Mike, Michigan State University

Host:  Dr. Grace McClurkin

Nov. 12



Designing an Assistive Tool for People with Upper Extremity Disabilities (105KB)

Dr. Ashraf Khan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Nov. 19




Scalable Frames (116KB)

Dr. Yeonhyang Kim, Central Michigan University

Host:  Dr. Tom Zerger




Winter 2019

February 26




Machine Vision and Robotics (99KB)

Dr. Andy Pandian, Department of Mechanical Engineering

March 19





(Cancelled, will be rescheduled later)

Ms. Heidi Lang, Pre-Health Professions Advisor


March 26





Keystroke dynamics for web user account authentication (101KB)

Mr. Deepak Neupane, CSIS research student

Advisor:  Dr. Abir Rahman

April 2





Enhancement of Gas Pumping and Heat Transfer Using a Two-stage EHD Gas Pump (124KB)

Dr.  Monayem Mazumder, Department of Mechanical Engineering

April 9




Into the Power Functions (168KB)

Ms. Bianka Wang, Math research student

Advisor:  Dr. Hasan Al-Halees

April 16




Using Deep Learning to Get Business Insights (120KB)

Dr. Il-hyung Cho, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems



Fall 2018

Sept. 18




Recent efforts in supporting developmental math at SVSU (38KB)

Dr. Tony Crachiola, Department of Mathematical Sciences, SVSU

Oct. 2




Enhancement of Gas Pumping and Heat Transfer (39KB)

Dr. Monayem Mazumder, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVSU

Oct. 16




Development of an on-field head impact monitoring technology (121KB)

Dr. Richard Bolander, CSCS, Research Engineer, Simbex LLC.
Host:  Dr. Andrew Chubb, Intrim Dean of SE&T

Oct. 30



Using the SVSU R-Studio server in introductory statistics courses (102KB)

Dr. Jan Hlavacek, Department of Mathematical Sciences, SVSU

Nov. 6




DNA fingerprinting of walleye (Sander vitreum) from Saginaw Bay (102KB)

Dr. Dave Stanton, Department of Biology, SVSU

Nov. 13




Controlling Light with Metadevices (121KB)

Dr. Xu Zhang, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SVSU




Winter 2018

February 13




Risk Assessment: The Marriage Between Engineering and Public Health (71KB)

Dr. Jade Mitchell, Michigan State University

Host:  Dr. Frank Hall

February 20



The Geography of Iceland (39KB)

Prof. Laurie Reed, Department of Physics

March 13



CAR T and Immunotherapy (40KB)

Dr. Bing Yang, Department of Biology

March 20




Analysis and Experiments on HEMA-DMAEMA Stimuli Responsive Hydrogels

Dr. Chandler Benjamin, Texas A&M University

Host:  Dr. Chris Nakamura

April 3




Autonomous Vehicles and the Future‌

Dr. Edward Straub, The American Center for Mobility

Host:  Dr. Sandun Kuruppu

April 10




Six Sigma – A Global Project Portfolio (38KB)

Ms. Monica LeValley, Quality Manager, Thumb Plastics, Inc.

Host:  Dr. Andy Pandian

April 17





Evidence-based specification of surface roughness and principles of surface metrology (cancelled, will be rescheduled later)

Dr. Chris Brown, Worcester Polytechnic Institute                              

Host:  Dr. Frank Hall



Fall 2017

September 19






NASA’s Interests in Earth and Beyond & Funding Opportunities (37KB)

Dr. James Sheerin, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Eastern Michigan University

Dr. Garry Johns, Professor of Mathematics, SVSU

September 26




Internet of Things Security Best Practices (37KB)

Dr. George Corser, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

October 3






Writing to Enhance Learning in STEM (35KB)

Dr. Anne Ruggles Gere, Dow Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan

Host:  Dr. Natalia Knoblock

October 24





Avida-ED (36KB)

Dr. Gary M. Lange, Department of Biology

November 7




DNA Fingerprinting of Charity Island Phragmites and Herbicide Resistance (37KB)

Dr. Dave Stanton,  Department of Biology

November 14




Topological Data Analysis and its Applications (36KB)

Dr. Josh Mike, Michigan State University

Host:  Dr. Grace McClurkin

November 28




User Identification Based on Touch-screen Behavior (36KB)

Dr. Khandaker A. Rahman, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

December 5






Special Projects from Chemistry 420

Poster presentations by students from Chemistry 420

Advisor:  Dr. Tami Sivy




Winter 2017

January 24



Hacking the High Seas (119KB)

Prof. Chad Dewey, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

February 7



Disentangling the Electric and Magnetic Signals Observed in rf-Susceptibility (58KB)

Dr. Matt Vannette, Department of Physics

February 21




The Science behind Odor Control in Textiles (261KB)

Dr. Bob Monticello, International Antimicrobial Council

Host:  Dr. Andrew Chubb

March 14




Longitudinal analysis of cancer incidence rates between two ethnic groups (58KB)

Dr.  Jean-Jacques Kengwoung-Keumo, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Cameron University, Lawton, Oklahoma

Host:  Dr. Emmanuel Kengni Ncheuguim

March 21



  Mano a Mano, Networks Against Networks (167KB)

Dr. Galia Benitez, Michigan State University

Host:  Dr. Garry Johns

March 28




Object detection and motion control via LiDAR (57KB)

Mr. Lekako Johnson, Mr. Scott Swiecki, Mr. Brendon Phelan, Mr. Alaa Alshokoori

Advisor:  Dr. Rajani Muraleedharan

April 13




How a parabola can be a source of difference equations? (60KB)

Mr. Alec Ward

Advisor:  Dr. Hasan Al-Halees

April 18




Bioprospecting in Costa Rica and what it entails (60KB)

Dr. Giselle Tamayo-Castillo

Host:  Dr. Gary Lange



Fall 2016

September 13    



Big Data Analysis using Apache Hadoop on Amazon Clouds (125KB)

Dr. Il-Hyung Cho, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

October 18




Exploring Elliptic Curves Using Maple (138KB)

Mr. Dylan McKnight, President of SVSU Math Club

Advisor:  Dr. Tony Crachiola

November 1



Rings whose ideals form a BL-algebra (55KB)

Dr. Olivier Heubo-kwegna, Department of Mathematical Sciences

November 8



DNA fingerprinting of walleye from Saginaw Bay and spawning populations (55KB)

Dr. Dave Stanton, Department of Biology

November 15



Can Machine Learning Provide Collaborative Autism Diagnosis? (119KB)

Dr. Rajani Muraleedharan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

November 29



Investigation of Chaotic Phenomena Using Electronic Circuits (66KB)

Dr. Yasuteru Hosokawa, Management and Information Science, Shikoku University, Japan

December 6



Biochemistry Independent Research Poster Presentations (125KB)

Dr. Tami Sivy's biochemistry group


Winter 2016

January 26



Data Mining in Physics Education Research: Searching for Features that Matter (124KB)

Dr. Chris Nakamura, Department of Physics

February 23



A proposed methodology to improve quantitative reasoning skills (57KB)

Dr. Danilo Sirias, Department of Management and Marketing

March 15



Learning Programming through Play: with Python and Minecraft (59KB)

Dr. Il-Hyung Cho, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

March 29



Social Status and the Effects of Environmental Factors (120KB)

Dr. Art Martin, Department of Biology

April 5



Speckle denoising model using nonlocal similar neighborhoods (59KB)

Dr. Arundhati Misra, Department of Mathematical Sciences

April 12



Why a cardiovascular physiologist is concerned with macrophages (58KB)

Dr. Jay Scott, Department of Biology

April 19





Dr. Amalene Cooper-Morgan, Quinsigamond Community College

Host:   Dr. Frank Hall


Fall 2015

September 15




Control of Vibrations in Gas Turbines (55KB)

Dr. Jack Henderson and Dr. Peter Torvik, Universal Technology Corporation

Host:  Dr. Tom Kullgren

September 29




Mathematical Induction: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (55KB)

Dr. Allen Schwenk, Department of Mathematics, Western Michigan University

Host:  Dr. Garry Johns

October 13




Design and Analysis of Industrial Robots for Advanced Manufacturing Systems (55KB)

Dr. Ana Djuric, Department of Engineering Technology, Wayne State University

Host:  Dr. Andy Pandian

October 20




ZBP-89 Cooperating with βcatenin to Modulate Colorectal Cancer Progression and Heterogeneity (320KB)

Dr. Bryan Essien, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Michigan

Host:  Dr. Bing Yang

November 3



Who let the microbes out? (56KB)

Dr. Tami Sivy, Department of Chemistry

November 10




Mitigating Facial Recognition Attacks (55KB)

Mr. Dustyn Tubbs, Scholar of Computer Science

Advisor:  Dr. Khandaker A. Rahman

November 17



DNA Fingerprinting of Charity Island Phragmites (Phragmites australis) (55KB)

Dr. Dave Stanton, Department of Biology

December 1




Authenticating computer users by mouse activities (122KB)

Mr. Ryan Moormann, Senior Computer Science major

Advisor:  Dr. Khandaker A. Rahman

December 8




Special Projects from Chem 419 and Chem 420 (185KB)

Poster presentations by students from Chemistry 419 and Chemistry 420

Advisors:  Dr. Dave Karpovich and Dr. Tami Sivy




Winter 2015

February 10



Teaching 21st Century Tools (135KB)

Dr. Danny Caballero, Michigan State University

Host:   Dr. Christopher Nakamura

February 24


Localizing BCK-algebras (201KB)

Dr. Olivier Heubo-Kwegna, Department of Mathematical Sciences

March 10



Authenticating computer users by mouse activities (123KB)

Mr. Ryan Moormann, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

Host:   Dr. Khandaker A. Rahman

March 17



Cardinal Formula Racing Test and Tune (57KB)

Alex Fullerton, Zach Haveraneck and Logan Shelagowski, Mechanical Engineering Students

Host:   Dr. Brooks Byam

March 24



How to build a superconductor with a black hole (58KB)

Dr. James Alsup, University of Michigan-Flint

Host:   Patrick Pan

March 31


DNA Fingerprinting of Saginaw Bay Walleye (58KB)

Dr. Dave Stanton, Department of Biology

April 7


Application of Control Engineering to Wind Energy (58KB)

Dr. Young-Man Kim, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

April 14



TBA (cancelled)

Mr. Jeff Foisel, Dow Corning

Host:   Dr. Stephanie Brouet


Fall 2014

September 16   



Proposing a Novel Defense Mechanism to Spoof Attacks Targeting Keystroke Dynamic (55KB)

Dr. Khandaker Rahman, Department of Computer Science & Information Systems

September 30



Information Technology and User Knowledge-Driven Innovation in Services (55KB)

Dr. Il-Hyung Cho, Department of Computer Science & Information Systems

October 7

  Five New Insect Species from the Northern and Southern U.S. and from Canada and (53KB)

Dr. Steve Taber, Department of Biology

October 14



Using the Effect Size to Compare Instructional Methods (54KB)

Dr. Garry Johns, Department of Mathematical Sciences

October 21




Exploring Movement-Pattern Based Authentication for Mobile Platforms (55KB)

Mr. Dustyn Tubbs, CSIS Student

Advisor:   Dr. Khandaker Rahman

November 4



Protecting Privacy in Vehicular Networks (54KB)

Prof. George Corser, Department of Computer Science & Information Systems

November 11



Canada’s Gros Morne National Park and “The Rock” (164KB)

Prof. Laurie Reed, Department of Physics

November 18



The Truncated Levy Flight Model: A Comparative Analysis of its Utility in Modeli (55KB)

Dr. Emmanuel Kengni-Ncheuguim, Department of Mathematical Sciences




Winter 2014

February 4


New insect species discovered in Michigan and elsewhere (56KB)

Dr. Steve Taber, Department of Biology

February 18


On a measure of the distance to l1(2) Space (101KB)

Dr. Hasan Al-Halees, Department of Mathematical Sciences

February 25



Redox Properties of Ruthenium Vinylidene Complexes (58KB)

Dr. Michael Shaw, Department of Chemistry, Southern Illinois University

Host:   Dr. Adam Warhausen

March 11


Precipitation structures at reactive interfaces (57KB)

Dr. Jason Pagano, Department of Chemistry

March 25



An Overview of the Manhattan Project (122KB)

Dr. Cameron Reed, Charles A. Dana Professor of Physics, Alma College

Host:   Professor Laurie Reed

April 1



Combinatorial Structure of Finite Frames (58KB)

Dr. Sivaram Narayan, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Central Michigan University

Host:   Dr. Hasan Al-Halees

April 8



A Noetherian local domain whose ideal completion is not Noetherian (164KB)

Dr. Simplice Tchamna, Department of Mathematics, Georgia College State University

Host:   Dr. Olivier Heubo-kwegna


Fall 2013

September 24



Dr. Olivier Heubo-Kwegna, Department of Mathematical Sciences

October 1


Nucleic Acid Detection: From the Well-plate to Paper (132KB)

Dr. Kyle Cissell, Department of Chemistry

October 8


Variational Problems in Geometry: Harmonic Maps and Their Generalizations (131KB)

Dr. Hiroshi Takeuchi, Visiting Professor from Shikoku University, Japan

October 15


Mechanics of Soft Tissues: Reflecting On Roads Traveled and The Road Just Taken (56KB)

Dr. Alan Freed, Clifford H. Spicer Chair in Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering

October 22


The Impact of Technology in Changing Roles of Planning & Execution in Business (116KB)

Dr. Danilo Sirias, Department of Management and Marketing

November 5


Discipline-Based Education Research: A Scientific Perspective on Learning Scien (131KB)

Dr. Christopher Nakamura, Department of Physics

November 12


FPGA-Based Computing Platform - For Computationally Intensive Applications (57KB)

Dr. Tai-Chi Lee and Mr. Mark White, Department of Computer Science & Information Systems

November 19


Snoop-forge-replay Attack on Continuous Verification with Keystrokes (119KB)

Dr. Khandaker Rahman, Department of Computer Science & Information Systems

December 3


Nobel Prize--So Close! (131KB)

Dr. Bing Yang, Department of Biology




Winter 2013

January 29


Art and Science, Here and Now (35KB)

Professor Mike Mosher, Department of Art

February 5


What is a Grobner basis? (57KB)

Dr. Tony Crachiola, Department of Mathematical Sciences

February 12


Biological Antifreezes: The Effect of Carbohydrate Hydration on Ice-Recrystalliz (58KB)

Dr. Jennifer Chaytor, Department of Chemistry

February 19



Colliders and their Window into the Universe: the past, present, and future (58KB)

Dr. Bo Jayatilaka, Fermi National Accelerator Lab

Host:   Dr. Chris Nakamura

February 26



Introduction to Powder Metallurgy Applications, Engineering and Careers (58KB)

Mr. John R. Engquist, Burgess-Norton Manufacturing, Co.

Host:   Dr. Tom Kullgren

March 12




Merging Redox and Amphiphilic Properties in Transition Metal Complexes (59KB)

(cancelled, will be rescheduled for Fall semester)

Dr. Claudio Verani, Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University

Host:   Dr. Stephanie Brouet

March 19



Competition between Two Phytoplankton Species Under the Influence of Allelopath (59KB)

Dr. Jean-Jacques Kengwoung-Keumo, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Cameron University

Host:   Dr. Emannuel Kengni Ncheuguim

March 26



Introduction to Modeling and Inference of the Dynamics of Genetic Regulatory Sys (59KB)

Dr. Ozlem Defterli, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cankaya University, Turkey

Host:   Dr. Alan Freed

April 2


Rapid Testing of Enterococci via qPCR in Fresh Water Beaches (58KB)

Dr. Tami Sivy, Department of Chemistry

April 9



Rethinking the Flying Machine from the Ground Up – The Bertelsen Arc Wing (91KB)

Mr. Bill Bertelsen, Chief Test Engineer, Gougeon Brothers, Inc.

Host:   Dr. Tom Kullgren

April 16



Medical Physics as a Career (107KB)

Dr. Chris Deibel, Cleveland Clinic

Host:   Dr. Al Menard


Fall 2012

September 11



Dr. Danny Krebs, retired NASA scientist and adjunct professor of Department of Physics

September 25



Dr. Jan Hlavacek, Department of Mathematical Sciences

October 9



Dr. Jiro Naganuma, Faculty of Management and Information Science, Shikoku University, Japan

October 23



Dr. Steve Taber, Department of Biology

November 6



Dr. Olivier Heubo-Kwegna, Department of Mathematical Sciences

November 13


Theoretical aspects of classical & D-P cap models of elasto-plasticity (54KB)

Dr. Emannuel Kengni Ncheuguim, Department of Mathematical Sciences

November 20



Dr. Jiro NagaNuma, Faculty of Management and Information Science, Shikoku University, Japan

November 27



Dr. David Stanton, Department of Biology

December 4



Dr. Todorka Nedeva, Department of Mathematical Sciences


Winter 2012

January 17



Metal complexes for inhibition of the 26S Proteasome in tumor cells (59KB)

Speaker: Dr. Claudio Verani, Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University

Hosts:  Dr. Stephanie Brouet and SVSU Chemistry Club

January 31

Discovery and Development of Nickel-Catalyzed Reactions (58KB)

Speaker: Dr. John Montgomery, Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan

Hosts:  Dr. Stephanie Brouet and SVSU Chemistry Club

February  7 Incremental Fuzzy C-Means for Large Scale Data (124KB)

Speaker: Dr. Timothy Havens, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University

Host: Dr. Morteza Marzjarani

February 28

Silica gardening at SVSU (58KB)

Speaker: Dr. Jason Pagano, Department of Chemistry, SVSU

 March 13

Why Physics? (124KB)

Speaker: Dr. Matt Vannette, Department of Physics, SVSU

 March 27

Exploring the Coordination Chemistry of N, N, N', N'-Tetrakis(2-hydroxyethyl) ethylenediamine in Polynuclear Manganese Cluster Chemistry (79KB)

Speaker: Dr. Arpita Saha, Department of Chemistry, SVSU

 April 3

The Future of Gardening (128KB)

Speaker: Professor Ed Meisel, SVSU Greenhouse Director, Department of Chemistry, SVSU

 April 10

Planets, Planets Everywhere! (122KB)

Speaker: Professor Laurie Reed, Department of Physics, SVSU

 April 17

An Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (59KB)

Speaker: Dr. Tai-Chi Lee, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, SVSU


Fall 2011

Sept. 13              A new insect species discovered in Michigan (54KB)Speaker: Dr. Stephen Taber, Department of Biology, SVSU
Sept. 20

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind (117KB)

Speaker: Dr. Joseph Affholter, Dow Entrepreneur-in-Residence, SVSU
Host:   Dr. Deb Huntley

 Oct. 4

GenSAS-An Online Integrated Genome Sequence Annotation Pipeline (84KB)

Speaker: Dr. Il-Hyung Cho, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, SVSU

 Oct. 11 Fast Regular Expression Matching using Small TCAMs for Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (55KB)

Speaker: Dr. Alex Liu, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University

Host: Dr. Tai-Chi Lee

 Oct. 18 Hybridation Overlap of Chemistry and Poetry Orbitals (53KB)

Speaker: Dr. Pasquale Di Raddo, Department of Chemistry, Ferris State University

Host: Dr. Jason Pagano

 Oct. 25 New Methods for the Efficient and Flexible Oxidation of Hydrocarbons (128KB)

Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Schomaker, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin

Hosts: Dr. Ken Kearns and SVSU Chemistry Club

 Nov. 1 Some Thoughts on Post-von-Neumann Computing (53KB)

Speaker: Dr. Jürg Gutknecht, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich
Host: Dr. Alan Freed

 Nov. 8

Environmental Carcinogens and their impact on human health (96KB)

Speaker: Dr. Plammoottil Cherian, Department of Biology, SVSU

 Nov. 15

Option Pricing with Transaction Costs and Stochastic Volatility (140kB)‌

Speaker: Dr. Emmanuel Ncheuguim, Department of Mathematical Sciences, SVSU


Contact Us
(989) 964-4144(989) 964-4144


Andrew M. Chubb, Ph.D.

Associate Dean

Tony Crachiola, Ph.D.


Pioneer 236


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm