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Science, Engineering and Technology Colloquium Series

Upcoming colloquium

From sewers to beaches: using molecular methods to measure pathogen levels in our community

Dr. Tami Sivy, Professor of Chemistry

Tuesday, October 11

4:00 - 5:00 PM

Pioneer 240

SET Colloquium Sivy 2022-10-11 (1,921KB)

SE&T Colloquium Series

Tuesdays 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. in Pioneer 240

(see the current schedule for updates)


The SE&T Colloquium Series provides a forum for all to

  • Engage in high-quality presentations and discussions with a wide audience in mind
  • Explore multidisciplinary topics
  • Share research, pedagogy, and current events
  • Enable creativity
  • Foster collaborations


We welcome all members of the College of SE&T, as well as all interested individuals including alumni, industry partners, external colleagues, and the wider SVSU community.


Are you interested in presenting, or do you have an idea for a presentation?  Please let us know by filling out this form (SVSU login required).  Topics should be interesting and relevant to a wide audience.


A list of past colloquia can be found here.


If you have additional questions or feedback, please contact Dr. Tony Crachiola.

Contact Us
(989) 964-4144(989) 964-4144


Andrew M. Chubb, Ph.D.

Associate Dean

Tony Crachiola, Ph.D.


Pioneer 236


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm