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‌‌‌‌A Message From The Dean

Welcome to the College of Science, Engineering & Technology at SVSU!  We believe that SVSU provides exceptional opportunities for students interested in the sciences, mathematics, engineering, or computer science.  We are proud of our many programs in these areas.  Students who enroll in SVSU's science and engineering courses experience

  • Small classes taught by full-time faculty members or qualified adjunct faculty members
  • New, well-equipped laboratories and classrooms
  • Opportunities for hands-on operation of modern instrumentation and equipment
  • Opportunities for independent research and engineering design projects
  • Excellent advising and mentoring in preparation for advanced study in professional, medical or graduate programs
  • Active student organizations in biology, chemistry, physics, math, computer science, health professions, engineering, Formula One racing, and robotics
  • Attractive physical facilities.

Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to providing the highest quality undergraduate programs geared towards personalized attention and hands-on learning.  Explore our programs and organizations using the links to the left.

 Andrew Chubb

Andrew M. Chubb, Ph.D.
College of Science, Engineering & Technology

Contact Us
(989) 964-4144(989) 964-4144


Andrew M. Chubb, Ph.D.

Associate Dean

Tony Crachiola, Ph.D.


Pioneer 236


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm