IPEC Student Learning Activities
Evolving Case Study
- All participants (professionals and students) go through an entire case study from initial onset of injury to discharge home, including home services.
- Students engage in a team work/team building activity after the case study is completed.
- Learning objectives: Interprofessional role identification and collaboration;
- Application and assessment of teamwork and communication
FEMA Disaster Training and Table Top Activity
- Students complete on-line training modules from FEMA website.
- Students engage in an IPEC disaster table top activity with faculty and participating community organizations.
- Discuss strategies to facilitate positive outcomes and effective use of resources during a disaster.
- Demonstrate critical thinking and reasoning skills to meet the specific needs of situations during a disaster.
Poverty Simulation
- Students are assigned to families and need to provide for basic necessities and shelter during the course of 4, 15 minute weeks.
- Volunteers from the community represent services and resources available in the community.
- Designed to help participants understand what it might be like to live in a typical low-income family.
- The object is to sensitize participants to the realities faced by low-income families.
Mega Simulation Events
- All students from Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Athletic Training, Social Work, Health Science and Exercise Science invited to attend
- Faculty, staff, administrative professionals from all programs invited to facilitate student learning.
- Content evolves around IPEC Competencies (roles/responsibilities; values/ethics; teamwork; communication)
- Gain an appreciation of the perspectives of other health care professions in respect to client-centered collaborative care.