After graduating from Saginaw Valley State University in May, she will move to North Carolina, where she is enrolled in the highly competitive Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Duke University.
Saginaw Valley State University student Cullen James recently won the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science’s (ASCLS) 2015 viral video contest. James, a medical laboratory science major from Birch Run, submitted a 99-second video that promotes the benefits of being a member of the society.
Brandon Skwirsk knew he wanted to become a doctor in the sixth grade.
Martin Arford, associate professor of geography, was presented the Osprey Award for Outstanding Conservation Volunteers by the Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy for the work at the Frankenlust Township Park and
James Bowers, assistant professor of criminal justice; Kim Lacey, assistant professor of English; and Poonam Kumar, director of online/hybrid learning, presented “Teaching Presence on the Rise: Engaging Undergraduate Students
Saginaw Valley state University recognized six of its graduates and one future graduate at its annual Alumni Celebration Friday, Feb. 20. Five alumni were honored with the 2015 Distinguished Alumni Award, the highest award presented by the SVSU Alumni Association. In addition, the Young Alumni and Future Alumni award recipients were bestowed.
Keshara Mumford arrived at Saginaw Valley State University with a generous nature. Her course work and her relationships with faculty and staff helped her develop that attribute toward a career path.
A summary of recent research, presentations and publications by SVSU faculty and staff.
Interior Professional Profile-October 2014
Andrea Frederick returning to teach
Hope Rises with Project Sunset
From the Israeli Army to the O.T. Classroom
Valerie Adams has an extraordinary record of accomplishment at Saginaw Valley State University. Her latest achievement: gaining acceptance into the highly competitive Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Duke University.
Rose Lange-Associate Professor of Nursing
(989) 964-4145(989) 964-4145
(989) 964-4024
Marcia Mastracci Ditmyer, PhD., M.B.A., M.S.
Acting Assistant Dean
Catherine A. Macomber, PhD., LMSW
Acting Assistant Dean
Jeremy Knous, PhD.
Health & Human Services Dean's Office, H260
University Center, MI-48710
8:00 am - 4:30 pm