News items about the College of Education. For a complete list of News, please go to the Newsroom. To submit an item, please contact JJ Boehm, director of media and community relations, at ext. 4055
Saginaw Valley State University has received renewed authorization from the Michigan Department of Education to offer an endorsement for students in its teacher preparation and special education programs. SVSU will begin offering an updated curriculum for the endorsement in cognitive impairment this fall for students pursuing bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
The Saginaw Valley State University student was hired full-time as a math teacher at Bridgeport Middle School, weeks before earning a bachelor’s degree in mathematics education in May.
Those familiar with her expect VanFleteren will continue building a fine reputation — and stellar résumé — for herself once she begins her professional career as a teacher.
Martin Arford, associate professor of geography, was presented the Osprey Award for Outstanding Conservation Volunteers by the Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy for the work at the Frankenlust Township Park and
James Bowers, assistant professor of criminal justice; Kim Lacey, assistant professor of English; and Poonam Kumar, director of online/hybrid learning, presented “Teaching Presence on the Rise: Engaging Undergraduate Students
Saginaw Valley State University has assigned a highly respected educator to coordinate SVSU’s focus on improving STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education in the region. Carolyn Wierda has been named executive director of STEM@SVSU; in that position, she will convene those that are involved in STEM initiatives at SVSU.
Saginaw Valley state University recognized six of its graduates and one future graduate at its annual Alumni Celebration Friday, Feb. 20. Five alumni were honored with the 2015 Distinguished Alumni Award, the highest award presented by the SVSU Alumni Association. In addition, the Young Alumni and Future Alumni award recipients were bestowed.
A summary of recent research, presentations and publications by SVSU faculty and staff.
Interior Professional Profile-October 2014
This year, 11 outstanding Michigan educators have been selected for the Gerstacker Fellowship at Saginaw Valley State University. They will receive concentrated leadership training over a one-year period, including a capstone international experience that will send the Fellows to Poland in April.
Tamara Arizola Barrientos-Helping teachers teach math and science
The delivery of education near and far will be examined by Carolyn Wierda when she gives the 2014 Rush Lecture at Saginaw Valley State University Thursday, Oct. 9 at 4 p.m. in Founders Hall. An executive-in-residence and interim associate dean in the College of Education, Wierda’s talk is titled, “From Other Hemispheres to Our Home: National, State and Local K-12 Educational Trends.”
Saginaw Valley State University will host a building-naming ceremony for Eric. R. Gilbertson Hall Monday, Oct. 13 at 10 a.m., as the facility previously known as the Regional Education Center is formally re-named.
The announcement occurred during the Board’s regular meeting Monday, Aug. 18. Gilbertson retired from the presidency in February after holding the position for more than 24 years.
(989) 964-4057(989) 964-4057
James E. Tarr, Ph.D.
Acting Assistant Dean & Professor
Colleen D'Arcy, Ph.D.
College of Education Dean's Office
Gilbertson Hall, North 275
University Center, MI 48710
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.