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News items about the College of Education. For a complete list of News,  please go to the Newsroom. To submit an item, please contact JJ Boehm, director of media and community relations, at ext. 4055

December 7, 2017

Dow community engagement leader to deliver SVSU commencement address this month

The director of Global Citizenship for The Dow Chemical Company will speak to graduates of a university nationally recognized for community engagement during Commencement exercises at Saginaw Valley State University. Rob Vallentine will deliver the keynote address to SVSU's newest graduates.

November 13, 2017

SVSU selects K-12 educators for Gerstacker leadership program

A new group of K-12 education leaders committed to professional growth will join the Saginaw Valley State University Gerstacker Fellowship program in 2018.

October 31, 2017

SVSU recognizes outstanding alumni during annual awards ceremony

Business leaders, doctors, a dentist and a military veteran are among the eight individuals whose professional exceptionalism and community engagement were recognized during Saginaw Valley State University's annual Alumni Celebration Friday, Oct. 27.

October 9, 2017

SVSU alumnus and STEM partner honored as Teacher of the Year by Carrollton Public Schools

Craig Coopersmith, a two-time Saginaw Valley State University alumnus and an adjunct instructor of chemistry, has been named Carrollton High School's Teacher of the Year for the 2017-18 school year. Coopersmith will be honored with a plaque as well as funding for classroom supplies.

June 20, 2017

SVSU Board approves 2017-18 budget, tuition to increase $474

The Saginaw Valley State University Board of control approved a tuition increase of $474 for in-state students as part of the 2017-18 general fund operating budget adopted during the Board’s regular meeting Monday, June 19.

June 14, 2017

SVSU disc golf team wins Collegiate Cup championship

The disc golf team at Saginaw Valley State University won the inaugural Collegiate Cup Sunday, June 11 at Flip City Disc Golf Course in Shelby, Michigan.

June 14, 2017

Five SVSU representatives bring their passion to 2017 Miss Michigan competition

The 2017 Miss Michigan Scholarship Pageant in Muskegon will feature a heavy dose of “Red Pride” this week, as five of the 34 contestants hail from Saginaw Valley State University.

June 5, 2017

Strong interest for SVSU Education Employment Fair

Saginaw Valley State University is seeing a growing demand for teachers, and will hold a job fair for positions in the education industry Tuesday, June 13 from noon to 2 p.m. in Gilbertson Hall. The fair is open to the public.

May 31, 2017

Thanks to his family and campus, Napoleon Lewis' legacy at SVSU stands strong years after his death

“It was an awesome feeling to see everyone react that way toward him because we, as his children, felt that way about him all the time,” Ava Lewis says. “He touched so many lives here.”

May 22, 2017

Sarah Tennyson: Portrait of a 2017 SVSU graduate

“I like to stay positive and keep a positive outlook on life.” Sarah Tennyson's optimism at first might seem odd coming from someone once kept alive by a feeding tube, she admitted.

May 15, 2017

Mallory Rivard: Portrait of a 2017 SVSU graduate

On the day Mallory Rivard? walked across the stage at Saginaw Valley State University's May 2017 commencement ceremonies, she already had one foot set in her future career: inspiring young minds as a classroom teacher.

May 11, 2017

Sloan Klaski: Portrait of a 2017 SVSU graduate

Sloan Klaski looks to the future with excitement and a smile on his face as he describes his goals in the years to come. Many Saginaw Valley State University graduates share his positive outlook; few have faced as many obstacles.

April 26, 2017

Saginaw Valley State University College of Education honors 2nd annual Heroes in Education

The Saginaw Valley State University College of Education will recognize six individuals from the Michigan educational community for their outstanding and heroic contributions to positively impact the lives of students.

April 24, 2017

Consumers Energy deputy general counsel, SVSU alum, to address SVSU May graduates

The vice president of a Michigan energy company will deliver the keynote address to graduates during Commencement exercises next month at Saginaw Valley State University.

April 12, 2017

SVSU students present research on writing strategies

Ten Saginaw Valley State University Writing Center tutors were among a group of undergraduates selected to present their research at the East Central Writing Center Association 2017 Conference held at Southwestern Michigan College on the weekend of March 24-25.

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(989) 964-4057(989) 964-4057


James E. Tarr, Ph.D.

Acting Assistant Dean & Professor

Colleen D'Arcy, Ph.D.


College of Education Dean's Office
Gilbertson Hall, North 275
University Center, MI 48710


8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.