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Handshake - Online Job Database


Saginaw Valley State University’s Career Services office is excited to announce our transition to Handshake, a modern career services platform designed to connect students and employers to each other, events, and opportunities.

Handshake is designed to offer something to everyone! Read on to see how Handshake can benefit you as a student, alumni, employer or faculty member.

Employers of all shapes and sizes post jobs on Handshake
searches for students per month
jobs and internships posted in every industry over the past year


Grace Vendetti - Just Hired

All current undergraduate and graduate students, including alumni, have a Handshake profile linked to their SVSU email. Easily log into Handshake using your SVSU network credentials.

Benefits of Handshake for Students & Alumni

  • Free for life!
  • Search and apply for jobs, internships, part-time and full-time jobs
  • Register for job fairs and networking events
  • Network and connect with employers
  • And so much more!

Log in with your SVSU Credentials

* For Alumni: if you would like to use a non-SVSU email address to log in to Handshake, please email with your name during school and the email address you would like to update Handshake to.


Rehmann and Spring Employment Fair talking to students

Handshake offers employers the ability to post jobs, track applications, schedule interviews, and register for SVSU career fairs and events. Additionally, Handshake offers expanded recruitment potential.

Benefits of Handshake for Employers

  • Manage all your campuses with Handshake at no cost
  • Post jobs to multiple schools
  • Search for qualified student and alumni candidates
  • Register for career fairs and events
  • And more!

Get Started with your Handshake account today

Need help? Check out the Employer FAQs below or reach out to Career Services at 989-964-4954 or


faculty presenting at CETL symposium

All SVSU Faculty & Staff can also access Handshake. Faculty will receive student access to show your classes what Handshake can do for them by seeing the same view your students see

To get started with your Handshake account reach out to Career Services (x4954) or

Want Career Services to give a short presentation about Handshake in your class?

Schedule a classroom presentation

Handshake FAQ - Students & Alumni

Handshake is a modern platform that is customized to suit your career needs.

  • Handshake will greatly expand the number of employers worldwide who post job and internship opportunities at SVSU.
  • The more you update your profile the more your feed will be filled with opportunities and events related to your major and interests.
  • You can set alerts for certain employers to receive email notifications when new job postings are listed for that company.
  • You’ll be able to register for events at SVSU as well as employer-hosted events.

All of this and more can be done from your computer or the mobile app!

Employers find you based on the career interests in your Handshake profile. Interests include: 

  • Job Type: do you want an internship, part-time job, or full-time job?
  • Location: which cities do you want to work in?
    • TIP: set your location preferences to where you would like to work after graduation to start seeing jobs in that area!
  • Job Roles: Select the types of jobs you want, ie: marketing associate, data analyst, or graphic designer.

When you keep your profile updated, you are 6x more likely to be found by an employer!

**make sure you keep editing your career interests as things change!

More information on setting your profile up

Handshake partners with SIFT, an industry leader in Digital Trust & Safety, to validate key employer profile data and ensure that each company on Handshake is legitimate and authorized to operate and hire employees. While Handshake takes every measure to only approve organizations that are legitimate if you suspect a fraudulent job please contact and notify us of the company name and job posting.

It's important that you still use your due-diligence when looking for jobs, check Recognizing and Avoiding Job Scams on Handshake (3,179KB)

Learn more about the employer validation process

As an SVSU student or alumni, your account has already been created for you, all you need to do is visit to log in to your account using your SVSU network credentials.

For Alumni: You do keep your SVSU email for life, however, if you have not updated your SVSU network password you will lose access to your account. If you would like to use a non-SVSU email address to log in to Handshake, Instructions for Alumni Access to Handshake (Non-SVSU Email Address) (1,282KB)to assist you in obtaining access. 

On-campus student positions previously were posted in Handshake, however as of April 2025 these will now be posted through Workday. Login to your Workday account to get started!

Note: On-campus job applications will require your resume, a cover letter, and your class schedule. Make sure to have these documents ready when you apply to streamline your application process. Need help with these documents? Make an appointment with Career Services.

Handshake has 3 levels of profile visibility

  • Community (recommended): Your profile is visible to all employers, students, and alumni across all Handshake Colleges and Universities. This all-encompassing view includes:
    • Messaging other students and alumni
    • Receiving messages from employers about job opportunities
    • Browsing jobs and other resources from Handshake and SVSU
  • Employers: This will enable your profile to only be visible to all employers on Handshake. Employers can:
    • Message you directly about job opportunities
  • Private: Your profile will be visible to you and the employers you apply to only.

More on Handshake Profile Privacy Options

Finding fairs and events on Handshake is easy!

Find SVSU Posted Fairs and Events:

  1. Click on the events tab in the left-hand navigation bar
  2. Under more filters select Posted by my school
  3. Select view results

From here you can click on each event and register by selecting the Join Event button

Find Events hosted by Employers

  1. Click on the events tab in the left-hand navigation bar
  2. Apply any search parameters to narrow your search
  3. Click an event to see more information and register

Handshake FAQ - Employers

Need additional help setting up your employer account - check out these Handshake help topics.

Handshake partners with SIFT, an industry leader in Digital Trust & Safety, to validate key employer profile data and ensure that each company on Handshake is legitimate and authorized to operate and hire employees.

Learn more about the employer validation process and what information is required for your profile to be approved

To post a job via Handshake, you must have a confirmed user account connected to a company profile. Your company profile must also be approved by the schools you've requested to connect with.


Handshake Disclaimer

The Saginaw Valley State University Office of Career Services maintains its websites and resources as a service to SVSU students and alumni for their professional career development and job search needs free of charge.

  • The presence or communication of job announcements on any website (including Handshake) maintained by Career Services does not indicate an endorsement or recommendation by Saginaw Valley State University or Career Services.
  • Students and alumni are responsible for independently investigating and assessing the credentials and integrity of prospective employers when interviewing for or accepting internships or employment positions.
  • Compensation, working conditions, and all terms and conditions of an internship or employment are agreements between the student/graduate and the employer. Career Services does not become involved in any such agreements, nor will Saginaw Valley State University or Career Services be responsible for any actions or inactions of the employer or organization that arise from or are related to an internship/employment opportunity listed on a website or resource maintained by Career Services.
  • The Career Services websites also contain links to other websites not under the control of Saginaw Valley State University or Career Services, and neither party is responsible for the contents of any linked site, including the accuracy of the information, services, or materials provided by these sites or any third parties.


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