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Saadman Bin Abdullah

October 2023



Saadman Bin Abdullah is a 2021 graduate in Mechanical Engineering from SVSU who loves connecting with people. He had a fantastic time on campus, from meeting his wife to getting published in a research journal to working with world-class professors. Today, Saadman thrives as a Manufacturing Equipment Engineer at Tesla in Northern California!

Life at SVSU

Saadman's journey began when he participated in the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study program in Alaska. It was through this experience that he discovered SVSU and decided to pursue his mechanical engineering dream there. He playfully recalls that he was "born with a screwdriver in my hand."

While at SVSU, Saadman gained invaluable experiences by working in Career Services and conducting research with Dr. Gogineni. These opportunities played a significant role in securing his current job at Tesla – Career Services helped him perfect his resume, and his research led to publications in two American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineering (ASTFE) journals. He also worked at Cech Corporation while attending SVSU and was able to continue working there after he graduated in 2021.

Beyond academics, Saadman led an action-packed life on campus as an active member of international student organizations and delving deep into mechanical engineering projects. His crowning achievement was completing a CNC machine as part of his senior design project within just eight months! Grateful for the tremendous support of professors like Dr. Mahajerin and university officials like President Bachand, he fondly recalls how they made him feel truly welcome.

Life Beyond SVSU

Post-graduation, Saadman initially worked full-time at Cech Corporation until July 2023 before starting an exciting new chapter as a Manufacturing Equipment Engineer at Tesla! This job required relocating from Michigan to California, where he now directly contributes to the production of the Megapack 2XL product, which is the largest utility-grade battery in the world, designed to store and generate clean, renewable energy. Saadman cherishes the friendships and learning experiences with his team and boss at Tesla.

Outside work, Saadman relishes time with his wife – a fellow SVSU alum. They met through the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program and shared countless special moments exploring Michigan together. Although excited for their new life in California, they'll miss the charm of Michigan's unique weather.

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(989) 964-4196