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Rachel LaBerge

May 2024

Rachel LaBerge, class of 2014


Rachel LaBerge author of A Lodge Affair, a romantic comedy, and A Love Letter to Those Who Left Me Behind, a full length poetry collection, has enjoyed writing since she was little. With her first published books coming this year, she’s learned much about writing and publishing a novel. One of the key things that’s helped set her up for success is connections from places like Bookstagram (Instagram account for books). You can purchase Rachel's books HERE.

Life at SVSU

Rachel loved the small class sizes at SVSU; it was just the experience she was looking for! She majored in Communications with a minor in Creative Writing. Another key positive to her college experience were her professors. From Vincent Samarco, to Melissa Hobart, and Jennifer McCullough, her professors always found a way to challenge her and share opportunities. For example, she was able to work on a research project with Dr. McCullough as well as had a short story selected from her creative writing class to be made into a short film by other SVSU students.

Life Beyond SVSU

Rachel has always been obsessed with books, words, and writing. Her dream of publishing a book came true in January of 2024 with her debut novel, A Lodge Affair. With a solid 4.3 rating on Goodreads and over 500 ratings across platforms, readers call out Rachel’s ability to craft characters they can relate to while still touching heavy themes like mental health and grief. When asked about the romance genre, she shared how it’s a safe space to explore inclusivity and different types of happily-ever-afters.

When not writing, Rachel works at Health Enhancement Systems in Midland; the global leader in wellness challenges. She has worked there for almost ten years as the Account Management Team Leader and Partnership Director. She loves the job because she gets to be creative while helping people make healthy changes all over the world. 

Rachel’s next book will be released in August of 2024.

If you want to connect with Rachel, she loves talking all things books/stories/writing,  you can sign up for her newsletter at or follow her on Instagram, @rachellaberge author.

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