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Moregan LaMarr

September 2023

Alumni Highlight-Moregan LaMarr


Moregan LaMarr is an SVSU Social Work graduate who loves to be connected with SVSU! As an adjunct professor, COVID contact tracer, and by having an SVSU Social Work intern at her full-time position at Saginaw Psychological Services, Moregan's love for her field and for being a Cardinal shines brightly!

Life at SVSU

Originally aiming to become a nurse, Moregan pivoted to social work upon realizing the diverse ways it contributes to helping others. Throughout college, she gained valuable experience working in a nursing home and earned a minor in Gerontology. Moregan proudly belongs to the first cohort of students to achieve a Master of Social Work from SVSU.

Moregan was a commuter student, which she thinks was the best of both worlds because she could stay with friends when she wanted to be away from home and she could stay at home when she wanted something more comfortable.

Beyond SVSU

Moregan worked as a crisis therapist in an Emergency Room from 2019-2021. She thrives in high energy environments and really enjoyed her time there. Transitioning into her current role as Child and Adult Therapist Supervisor at Saginaw Psychological Services in August 2021, she delights in aiding families directly while also supporting fellow therapists. The challenge of managing peers presents both excitement and fulfillment for her.

Moregan is also an adjuct faculty member at SVSU! She loves working with students and guiding them to what they will like the most. She enjoys this because she was in the same boat as her students not too long ago.

In her downtime, you'll find Moregan enjoying moments with her fiancé (who she met at SVSU!), immersed in a good book, or tackling projects around her home. She is proud of all of the opportunities that she has had and attributes a lot that to SVSU!

We know that you do amazing things, both personally and professionally, and we want to hear all about it. Whether you've landed your dream job, started your own business, or made a difference in your community, we want to celebrate your accomplishments and share your story with the world. We can't wait to hear from you!


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(989) 964-4196