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Lindsay Maynard Richardson

July 2023


On August 3, SVSU alumni will join forces with the Bay Area Women's Center for a volunteer day, preparing for the Power of the Purse event. Register to volunteer with us here.

Meet Lindsay Maynard Richardson, the Center's Director of Development and an SVSU alumna. She also serves as the president of the SVSU Alumni Board of Directors. We had a conversation with Lindsay about her experiences at both SVSU and the Bay Area Women's Center.

It is hard for Lindsay to say what her favorite part of her job is. She finds it rewarding when a grant request she wrote for the Center is fully funded, because this doesn't always happen and means that the center's work is truly appreciated and valued by others in the community. Lindsay also finds it rewarding to spread awareness about domestic and sexual violence in the community to help break down the stigma around both topics.

There is no typical day working at Bay Area Women’s Center, but Lindsay finds every day to be rewarding. She would like to emphasize that there is no way for the Center to survive without the help of the community and that there are always opportunities to volunteer! 

Life at SVSU

Lindsay felt that SVSU was her perfect fit when she first toured the campus, sensing an instant feeling of home. While at SVSU, she pursued a dual major in Marketing and Management and became involved in Valley Nights, the Honors Program, club dodgeball, and the mascot program. Her internship at a nonprofit in her hometown opened her eyes to nonprofit work as a viable career path.

Bay Area Women’s Center

Lindsay joined the Bay Area Women's Center as the Director of Development six years ago. The center serves about 650 clients per year and offers crisis intervention, advocacy, and haven to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault free of charge; while also providing violence prevention education to the community and striving for social change.

There are numerous ways to volunteer at the Bay Area Women's Center – from answering their crisis line and teaching life skills based on your expertise, to managing their donation room and maintaining the property. If you have an idea to help the Center in their support of survivors of domestic and sexual violence, there is likely a volunteer position available for you.

Lindsay loves many aspects of her job but finds immense satisfaction when a grant is fully funded – a rare occurrence that shows genuine appreciation for their work by the community. She also takes great pride in raising awareness on domestic and sexual violence issues, helping to reduce stigma around these topics.

No two days are similar at Bay Area Women's Center. Every day is rewarding for Lindsay, who emphasizes that community support is crucial for their survival. The Center always welcomes volunteers for various opportunities.

We know that you do amazing things, both personally and professionally, and we want to hear all about it. Whether you've landed your dream job, started your own business, or made a difference in your community, we want to celebrate your accomplishments and share your story with the world. We can't wait to hear from you!


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(989) 964-4196