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Kaylynne Meisen

August 2023

Alum Highlight


Kaylynne is an SVSU graduate of the Masters of Public Health Program. She enjoyed the relationships that she built with her professors and how much they cared about her as a student. Kaylynne loves working at the Barry-Eaton District Health Department and enjoys being able to help people at a community level. When not working, Kaylynne likes to go camping with her horses and her dog.

Life at SVSU

Kaylynne decided to attend SVSU because she liked that the campus was a community of its own, yet still close to Saginaw and other community areas. She was initially on the track to become an occupational therapist, but decided to switch her major to health science and take a different route.

After earning her undergraduate degree, Kaylynne enrolled in the Masters of Public Health Program (MPH) at SVSU. She liked the idea of helping people on a community level rather than solely on an individual level. She appreciated the flexibility and engagement of the professors in the MPH program. Kaylynne’s favorite class was Health Law and Policy because it was a different aspect of public health than she was used to.

Life Beyond SVSU

After graduating from SVSU, Kaylynne worked for two years as a contractor for Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI), Before transitioning into her role at Barry-Eaton District Health Department as a Community Health Promotion Specialist. Her primary role from 2020-2021 was helping with COVID-19 mass vaccination clinic logistics. Now, her primary role is planning, promotion, and evaluation of programs and services at the district health department. She works with community stakeholders, to promote healthy behaviors like substance use education, STI/HIV screening, and childhood immunizations.

Kaylynne’s favorite part of her job is that each day is entirely different. She is proud of herself for keeping an open mind to learning new things and gaining as much knowledge as possible to be an excellent asset to her community. The Masters of Public Health program at SVSU helped Kaylynne solidify the importance of asking a question when you have one and how important open lines of communication are.

If you or someone you know are interested in the Masters of Public Health program, visit their website at or call 989-461-2050.

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(989) 964-4196