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Jeanne Blum Lesinski

January 2024

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Jeanne Blum Lesinski, a distinguished poet, has recently unveiled her inaugural poetry collection, Tethers End, in 2023. Although she has had an array of poems grace the pages of numerous journals and has authored other literary works, this marks her debut in the realm of poetry books. As a young girl, Jeanne's passion for poetry blossomed through her fascination with rhyming and constant immersion in literature. To acquire a copy of Jeanne's captivating book, visit HERE  or explore your preferred book retailers.

Life at SVSU

Jeanne's academic journey commenced at DePaw University, where she pursued an undergraduate degree in French. After marrying and having children, she traversed the country while working in literary-focused roles, such as a librarian and a freelance writer. She even authored several books, including a best-selling juvenile biography of Bill Gates. Eventually, Jeanne returned to Michigan to earn her teaching degree at SVSU, where she obtained her teachings license in French and English. During her tenure at SVSU, Jeanne had the honor of having her poems featured in several issues of the Cardinal Sins.

Life Beyond SVSU

In 2023, Jeanne unveiled her debut poetry collection, Tethers End – an exquisite anthology that encapsulates her literary journey from her first published poem in 1984 in the University of South Dakota Literary Magazine to more contemporary pieces. The book artfully intertwines a wide spectrum of emotions, covering both light and heavy subjects while exhibiting diverse poetic techniques—ranging from prose to modern sonnets. Jeanne ardently believes that each poem seeks its perfect reader and that one poem can be perceived differently by various individuals. With the publication of Tethers End, she eagerly anticipates sharing her work with her audience as she continues to explore the boundless universe of poetry.

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