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Claire Dushane

September 2023



Introducing Claire Duchane, a proud SVSU graduate who loved her experience so much that she now represents the university as an employee! During her time as a student, Claire actively participated in campus life, leading organizations such as Kappa Tau Epsilon and Lambda Pi Eta. Now, she serves as the West Michigan Regional Admissions Representative and finds joy in connecting with potential students.

Life at SVSU

Although Claire's initial visit to SVSU was solely to appease her parents, she instantly fell head over heels for the campus and knew it was the perfect place for her. She appreciated the intimacy of a smaller university, which allowed for more immersive, hands-on learning experiences. In one marketing course, she collaborated with a local business to overhaul its promotional tactics by developing a new logo, social media presence, and website—all contributing to the company's success. Claire thoroughly relished her research in relationship communications as well.

Claire's active campus involvement saw her assume leadership positions in various clubs. She became a dedicated member of Kappa Tau Epsilon during her entire four-year tenure at SVSU and served as its president in her senior year. Furthermore, she held the title of president for Lambda Pi Eta (SVSU’s Communication Honor Society) and was a member of Club Red.

Life Beyond SVSU

Graduating one semester ahead of schedule from SVSU, Claire embarked on a thrilling journey at the Disney College Program. The reputable connection between SVSU and the program influenced Claire's decision to enroll in this spectacular opportunity. While there, she absorbed invaluable insights into customer service and established meaningful connections with amazing individuals.

Today, Claire passionately represents SVSU in her capacity as an Admissions Representative for West Michigan. Fully embracing the fall season, she eagerly dives into her role while thoroughly enjoying interactions with potential students—and her fellow Admissions Representatives inspire her every step of the way.

We know that you do amazing things, both personally and professionally, and we want to hear all about it. Whether you've landed your dream job, started your own business, or made a difference in your community, we want to celebrate your accomplishments and share your story with the world. We can't wait to hear from you!


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Wickes Hall 160
(989) 964-4196