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Christine Macey

April 2024

Christine Macey, class of 2007


Christine Macey is an Assistant US Attorney in the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. She loved her time at SVSU and how it prepared her for her profession. She attended Georgetown Law School and has worked in DC as a federal prosecutor since 2012. She loves that her job is never dull, which helps sustain her during her long hours. If Christine could describe her time at SVSU in one word, it would be gratitude.

Life at SVSU

Christine knew she wanted to go to law school when she was looking for colleges for her bachelor's degree. After touring the campus, she knew she was going to SVSU, where she was awarded the Presidential scholarship. She majored in Political Science with a double minor in Philosophy and English (Professional and Technical Writing).

When thinking back about SVSU, Christine thinks about the opportunities that SVSU provided her, such as the Roberts Fellowship, studying abroad for a summer in Dublin, and being able to intern in DC for two summers on Capitol Hill and at the Supreme Court. Christine thinks that SVSU is unique because of the way everyone at the university invested in her. Her professors focused on teaching and mentoring her in and out of the classroom, like her internships. She was even invited to participate in the hiring committee for a new political science professors at SVSU.

Life Beyond SVSU

After graduating from SVSU, Christine went to law school at Georgetown, where she had some amazing opportunities like interning for a federal judge in New York City, participating in a clinic to represent immigrants seeking asylum in the United States, and seeing the Supreme Court advocates practice their cases at Georgetown’s Supreme Court Institute.

After graduating from Georgetown in 2010, Christine clerked for the chief judge in the DC Superior Court. After clerking there for a year, she applied to be an Assistant US Attorney and has been there ever since. She worked in the homicide section for over four years and has since moved to prosecute white collar crimes. She was one of the first attorneys to be assigned to several January 6th cases as people were being charged. Christine was drawn to be a lawyer because she would be able to be involved and help people in the community. Her favorite parts of her job are that her cases are always different, and her work allows her to interact with victims and witnesses of crime, which is extremely rewarding.

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(989) 964-4196