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Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning SVSU

Adjunct Faculty Toolkit

Welcome to Saginaw Valley State University. You are an important part of the dynamic learning environment at SVSU. The contents noted below are intended to guide you through the required employment paperwork and provide directions on completing the Year Contracts/Section Assignment and course preparation process. You may view the Adjunct Faculty Pay Scale HERE

Upon hiring, A-Check Global will contact you via your personal email account to initiate the required background check.  Please complete the information requested promptly and in its entirety, as payroll forms and Yearly Contracts, and Section Assignments cannot be processed until the background check is completed.

Should you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact our office via email at or (989) 964-2622.


Click on the text below to expand further information to learn more about what we offer.

Check out the steps with more information here

Step 1: Complete Payroll/Tax Forms

Step 2: Complete Benefit Forms (If Applicable)

Step 3: Review Annual Notices & Other SVSU Policies

Step 4: Access SVSU Employment Identification



College Contact Information

The College of Arts & Behavioral Sciences Marc Peretz Anna St. Clair 989.964.4062
The College of Business & Management Jayati Ghosh Donna Helmreich-Lopez 989.964.4064
The College of Education James Tarr Joan Garant 989.964.7107
The College of Health & Human Services Marcia Ditmeyer Patrick Olivarez 989.964.4145
The College of Science, Engineering & Technology Andrew Chubb Darlene Seegert 989.964.4144







Additional Resources

Adjunct Faculty Handbook (313KB)

Activate E-Mail Account

Online/Hybrid Design or Facilitator Training (required for all those teaching or facilitating an online or hybrid course, suggested for all faculty.  $50 professional development stipend available)

Campus Alert System


Academic Calendar

Accessibility Resources and Accommodations (ARA) (Formally Disability Services)

General Ed Student Learning Outcome (630KB) By Category (For Rubric See the CETL Canvas Site)


Sample Syllabus (62KB)